waterproof wireless bluetooth speaker

  • The minimum allowed quantity for Full capacity 1500MAH slim power bank is 5 (you currently have 0 in your cart).

waterproof wireless bluetooth speaker

1.ko'chma,ko'chma dizayn osilgan

2.Bluetooth simsiz audio uzatish
3.tanlash uchun klassik rang Varete
4.With phone handsfree
5.Kompyuter kichik So'zga
6.Avtomobil Bluetooth
7.Card So'zga

8.FM radio

9. 4000kuchga ega Power Bank

10. Suv o'tmas

$18.50 $17.30

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  • Q & A


Mahsulot nomi Portable Bluetooth Speaker
Bluetooth versiyasi V3.0 + Adri
Bluetooth uzatish kuch CLASS2 4dBm
Bluetooth ish chastota 2.4GHz
zaryadlash kuchlanish DC5V / 500mA
ishchi kuchlanish DC 3.7V
Polimer batareya quvvati 4000MA
Musiqa ijro etish muddati 15H
vaqt gaplashib 40H
THD ≤ 0.1% (3.7V / 1KHz / 1.8W)
Signalning shovqin darajasi ≥90 db
Bluetooth qator 10-20m
rang qizil,ko'k,qora,pushti,oq rang,Oltin


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"Izohlari, siz bo'lingwaterproof wireless bluetooth speaker

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