Bluetooth USB wireless okwusike

  • The minimum allowed quantity for magic cube mini wireless bluetooth speaker is 5 (you currently have 0 in your cart).

Bluetooth USB wireless okwusike

  • Product aha: ktv okwu
  • agba: pink,gold
  • Function: music Player
  • ihe: aluminum alloy
  • uche: 38dB 2db
  • ụdị: Mobile Karaoke Igwe okwu
  • Frequency iche: 100Hz-10KHz
  • ngwa: ogbo Performance
  • ojiji: KTV Stage Performance
  • Njirimara: Mini Atọ

$30.90 $29.60

SKU: OKC244 Categories: ,


Typedị Igwe okwu Capacitive
Kwesịrị ekwesị ebe obibi, ekwentị
Ngosipụta ọnweghị
ikuku O nweghi
Njirimara ntụpọ kadioid
Ọwa 5.1
Ike batrị 2100 mA
Input voltaji 5V
Nwee aka O nweghi
Nchịkwa Bluetooth 2.1
Typedị Smart Ndị ọzọ
Ma ịkwado APP Ee
agba Ọlaedo Rose


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