Smart mini bluetooth wireless airson luchd-labhairt fòn 'smart'

  • The minimum allowed quantity for bluetooth USB wireless loudspeaker is 5 (you currently have 0 in your cart).

Smart mini bluetooth wireless airson luchd-labhairt fòn 'smart'

1.So-ghiùlaineach,crochadh so-ghiùlain dealbhadh

2.Bluetooth wireless èisteachd sgaoilidh
3.Variety clasaigeach dath airson roghainn
4.Computer beag luchd-labhairt
5.Car Bluetooth
6.Card luchd-labhairt

7. bluetooth selfie fuction

8. rèidio FM,sd 'chairt taic / Aux-san / Handsfree ghairm

9.buit-ann 2 luchd-labhairt ann an 10 W

$12.98 $10.88

SKU: OKC241 Roinnean-seòrsa: ,


Bluetooth Version BK3.0.
Frenquency 2.402-2.480GHz.
MAX Power output 3W
MIC Sensitivity -32db .
Receive Sensitivity Better than +82dBm.
Raon na 10meatairean
Data Transmission Up to 3Mbps
UART Data Transmission Rate 115200bps .
Charing Voltage 4.8V –5.2V DC.
Bholtadh obrach 3.7V –4.2V DC.
Working Current 200MA.
Quiescent Current >1UA.
Battery 1100Mah.
Antenna Built in
Package Clàr-innse 1 x Speaker
1 x USB Cable
1 x Leabhar-làimhe cleachdaiche
Aon pasgan Weight 0.75kgs
Aon Package Meud 19*9.5*5 cm
Qty gach chartan 50
chartan Weight 25.5kgs
chartan Meud 40*39*38 cm


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