Fòn-cluaise stereo Bluetooth

  • The minimum allowed quantity for Bluetooth Earphone Waterproof is 5 (you currently have 0 in your cart).

Fòn-cluaise stereo Bluetooth

Fiosrachadh pasgaidh:
Pacadh àbhaisteach airson riatanasan às-mhalairt
Lìbhrigeadh Detail:
25làithean às dèidh a 'faighinn pàigheadh

$26.80 $24.80

SKU: OKC440 Roinn-seòrsa:


luetooth:CSR 63120

Speaker Frequency Response: 20Hz-20kHz
Transmission Distance:10m
Ùine còmhraidh:mu dheidhinn 3 hours
Ùine Fuireachaidh:120~140hours
Ùine cìs:1-2hours






* Bluetooth v4.1
* Play music+ Hands-free calls
* No cable, true wireless & stereo sound
* support for 2 phones connection when use separately
* Battery life display on IOS
* Share music or calls with friend by using left & right headphone
* Answer/ hang off calls
* Last number re-dialing
* Reject coming calls
* Music Play / Pause


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