Detachable Cable Sport Bluetooth Earphone

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Detachable Cable Sport Bluetooth Earphone

Packaging Details: Peso prodottu : 18cunzunantali
Pacchettu : Scatola Trasparente
Dimensione di a scatula di culore : 9.2 * 3.8 * 18.7CM
Pesu imballatu : 70cunzunantali
Detail domicilio: imbarconu in 25 ghjorni dopu pagamentu

$16.90 $15.90

SKU: OKC297 Categurie: ,


Version Bluetooth V4.0
Channel Two-channel Stereo
Drive Unit Φ 9.2mm & Φ 7mm
Snr >75db
luddie <0.1 %
Impedenza 16Oh
Speaker Sensitivity 95db + / – 3db
Microphone Sensitivity -54 Db ± 2db
Capacità Battery 85fris
Transmission Range 10m
Music Time 4-5 ore
Talk Time 4-5 ore
Time ratu 1-2 ore


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