Sports in-ear Bluetooth V4.1 earphone with magnet control
1.Bluetooth specification: CSR4.0 |
2. Profili Bluetooth: HSP, HFP, A2DP u AVRCP |
3. Covering distance: 10 Meters |
4. Battery capacity: 90 mAH |
5. Talk time&Ħin tad-daqq tal-mużika: Dwar 6 Siegħa |
6. Standby time: Dwar 150 Siegħa |
7. Easily charge Micro USB port, |
8. Ħin tal-iċċarġjar: Dwar 1.5 Siegħa |
$3.00 $2.00
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Dettalji ta ' malajr
- Stil: Neckband
- Communication: Bla fili
- Connectors: Usb
- Użu: Telefown ċellulari
- Funzjoni: Bluetooth, Microphone, Noise Cancelling, Waterproof
- Kulur: Blu, Aħdar, Orange, Roża, Purple, Aħmar, Isfar, Multiple Color
- Isem il-prodott: bluetooth headphone magnetic
- Karatteristika: with Magnet Attractive
- Standby time: 150 Siegħa
- Item name: Bluetooth Neckband Headset
- Verżjoni Bluetooth: CSR8635/V4.1+EDR
- Tip: Sweatproof IPX4
- Ħin tal-iċċarġjar: 1.5Siegħa
- Connection: can pair to two devices simultaneously
- Working distance: 10-15Meters
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