bluetooth speaker backpack with amplifier
Battery capacity | 1000mAh, playing time: about 10hours |
Speaker unit | 40Mm, 4ohm, with hifi 3D stereo sound |
Speaker rated power | 5W |
Support | Hands free, TF card slot, can fix on bike |
Working distance | 10Meters |
Features | With selfie function, goldren plate battery for engery conservation |
Unit size/Weight | 93*93*42mm/207g |
Colors | golden, silver |
$17.00 $16.00
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Dettalji ta ' malajr
- Tip: Attiva
- Użu: Kompjuter, Teatru tad-dar, Plejer tal-karaoke, Telefown ċellulari, Plejer ta ' l-awdjo portabbli, Stadju, Other
- Kanali: 3 (2.1)
- Karatteristika speċjali: Mini, Portabbli, Bla fili
- Isem il-prodott: bluetooth speaker backpack with amplifier
- Materjal: Metall
- Rated power: 5W
- Speaker unit: 40Mm, 4ohm
- Battery capacity: 1000mAh, 10hours playing time
- keypoints: multifunctional, desktop, bike, outdoor
- Support: TF card slot, Selfie handsfree
- Unit weight: 207G
- Unit size: 93*93*42Mm
- Kulur: Silver, Grey
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