V4.0 wireless sport waterproof bluetooth speaker

V4.0 wireless sport waterproof bluetooth speaker



1.IPX6 professional waterproof

2. support power bank function

3.with APTX very hifi pure hifi sound quality

4.less 0.2% defective rate, very high and stable quality

5.Most portable design for outdoor activities and sports funs

SKU: OKC403 Roinn-seòrsa:
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Sònrachadh vatop waterproof bluetooth speaker
Bluetooth dreach CSR V4.0
Bluetooth profiles HSP, A2DP ,AVRCP
Battery 1000mAh 3.7v lithium battery
Mobile power supply IN-5.0V 1.0A ; OUT-5.0V 1.0A
gnìomh uisge-dìon IPX6 waterproof
cumhachd banca taic
Gnìomh cuir a-steach claisneachd AUX 3.5mm audio cable for MP4, PSP,PC
Dual connection 3.5mm audio cable and bluetooth
charging connector mini USB 5pin connector
Sound quality Pure and hifi sound quality
working time Up to 10hours
Bluetooth frequency 2.4-2.48GHz
meud 182*70*70mm
  • Adharc dùbailte àrd-chumhachd proifeasanta àrd-inbhe, adharc raon farsaing proifeasanta
  • Gnìomh solar cumhachd gluasadach àrd-èifeachdais
  • An ceangal gun uèir bluetooth, gairmean fòn-làimhe gun làmhan (iuchair gu furasta cuir an gnìomh fiosan gun làmhan gun uèir)
  • Gnìomh cuir a-steach claisneachd AUX, faodar uidheamachd claisneachd leithid fòn-làimhe a cheangal, coimpiutair, MP4, PSP, air a chleachdadh mar neach-labhairt bhon taobh a-muigh)
  • Am bataraidh ath-thagraidh lithium-ion a ghabhas ath-phàigheadh, tha feartan comas mòr a’ toirt taic don ùine pìleat airson cluich
  • “a line” function (charging an interface can be realized and the foreign charge)
  • (dìon-uisge, splash, prevent fall prevention outdoors with the function of mobile power supply bluetooth speakers


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A 'chiad ath-bhreithneachadh "V4.0 wireless sport waterproof bluetooth speaker

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