headset earphone plastaig airson fòn cliste


headset earphone plastaig airson fòn cliste

1PCS / Blister dath bogsa 300PCS / Master,NW:13.5KGS,GW:14.5KGS.

$6.20 $5.20

SKU: OKC493 Roinn-seòrsa:
  • Tuairisgeul
  • Ro-shealladh(0)
  • Q & A


Quick Fiosrachadh

  • Stoidhle: In-Ear, In ear ( MP3 and mobile phone )
  • Conaltradh: Wired
  • Ceangalaichean: 3.5mm
  • Cleachdaidh: Fòn-laimhe
  • Dleastanas: Microphone, Sguir dheth fuaim, uisge-dhìonach
  • Color: Beige, Dubh, Gorm, donn, Gold, liath, Uaine, ioma, orains, Pink, Purpaidh, dearg, Silver, geal, Buidhe, Blue red and black
  • Sound effect: stereo
  • cuideam lom: 20g
  • teisteanas: CE RosH and FCC
  • Suaicheantas: OEM accepted
  • Bharantais: one year
  • -pasgaidh: Customized


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