9000mAh With the flashlight&money detect 3USB Power Bank


9000mAh With the flashlight&money detect 3USB Power Bank

Fiosrachadh pasgaidh: uinneig bogsa pasgan,builgean pasgan,dath bogsa pasgan
Lìbhrigeadh Detail: a chur ann 3 làithean às dèidh a phàigheadh

$7.80 $6.80

SKU: OKC538 Roinn-seòrsa:
  • Tuairisgeul
  • Ro-shealladh(0)
  • Q & A


Quick Fiosrachadh

  • Tomhas: 153*63*23MM
  • Weight: 320g
  • Outport: 5V 1A/1A/2.1A
  • Input: 5V 1A(DC)
  • socaid Type: Micro USB
  • Color: Dubh, Dubh
  • teisteanas: CE ROHS FCC
  • Dùthchasach: Aluminium alloy
  • Battery: High-end 18650 Batttery Cell
  • Type: Banca cumhachd so-ghiùlain USB Universal
  • bathar-ainm: High Capacity Portable Power Bank
  • feart: Àrd Comas
  • Cleachdaidh: Digital Products
  • Bharantais: 12 mìosan
  • comas: 9000Mah


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A 'chiad ath-bhreithneachadh "9000mAh With the flashlight&money detect 3USB Power Bank

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