Sports in-ear Bluetooth V4.1 earphone with magnet control


Sports in-ear Bluetooth V4.1 earphone with magnet control

1.Bluetooth zehaztapena: ESK4.0
2. Bluetooth profilak: HSP, HFP, A2DP eta AVRCP
3. Covering distance: 10 metro
4. Bateria-ahalmena: 90 mAH
5. Hitz egiteko denbora&Musika erreproduzitzeko ordua: Buruz 6 ordu
6. Egonean denbora: Buruz 150 ordu
7. Erraz kargatu Mikro USB ataka,
8. kargatzen denbora: Buruz 1.5 ordu

$3.00 $2.00

SKU: OKC379 Kategoria:
  • deskribapena
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Xehetasunak Quick

  • Style: Neckband
  • Komunikazioa: Haririk
  • Konektoreak: USB
  • erabilera-: Telefono mugikorra
  • Funtzio: Bluetooth, Mikrofonoa, Noise Cancelling, Iragazgaitza
  • Kolore: Blue, Green, Orange, Arrosa, Purple, Red, Horia, Multiple Color
  • Produktuaren izena: bluetooth headphone magnetic
  • Feature: with Magnet Attractive
  • Egonean denbora: 150 Hours
  • Item name: Bluetooth Neckband Headset
  • Bluetooth Bertsio: CSR8635/V4.1+EDR
  • Mota: Sweatproof IPX4
  • kargatzen denbora: 1.5ordu
  • Connection: can pair to two devices simultaneously
  • Lan distantzia: 10-15metro


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