9000mAh With the flashlight&money detect 3USB Power Bank


9000mAh With the flashlight&money detect 3USB Power Bank

Packaging Xehetasunak: leihoen kaxa paketea,pakete blister,kolore kaxa paketea
Entrega xehetasuna: datorrena 3 egun ondoren ordainketa

$7.80 $6.80

SKU: OKC538 Kategoria:
  • deskribapena
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Xehetasunak Quick

  • Dimension: 153*63*23MM
  • pisu: 320g
  • Outport: 5V 1A/1A/2.1A
  • Sarrerako: 5V 1a(DC)
  • socket Mota: mikro USB
  • Kolore: Black, Black
  • Ziurtagiri: CE ROHS FCC
  • Material: Aluminum Alloy
  • Bateria: High-end 18650 Batttery Cell
  • Mota: USB Universal Portable Power Bank
  • Produktuaren izena: High Capacity Portable Power Bank
  • Feature: High Capacity
  • erabilera-: Digital Products
  • Bermea: 12 hilabeteak
  • aforoa: 9000mAh


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