clustffonau stereo clustffonau metel clustffonau bluetooth


clustffonau stereo clustffonau metel clustffonau bluetooth


1.Clustffon metel sain bas dwfn gyda meic
2.Pris breintiedig ac o ansawdd uchel i'w brynu mas.
3.Pecyn hardd ar gyfer eich angen am y clustffon.
4.Dylunio yn y glust yn gwneud canslo sŵn.
5.Mwynhau'r alaw naturiol .
6.Gellir dewis llawer o ddyluniadau.
7.Erioed wedi brifo clustiau.

$3.96 $3.56

SKU: OKC486 Categori:
  • Disgrifiad
  • Adolygiadau(0)
  • Q & A


Manylion cyflym

  • Style: In-Ear
  • Communication: Wired
  • Connectors: 3.5mm
  • Defnydd: Ffôn symudol
  • Swyddogaeth: Meicroffon, Noise Cancelling
  • Lliw: Gold, Amlasiantaethol
  • Material of earphone: Metal
  • Impedence of earphone: 32ohm(better quality)
  • Sensitivity of earphone: 98dB
  • Plug of earphone: Stereo 3.5mm
  • Cable length of earphone: 1.2M
  • Samples of earphone: Free
  • MOQ of earphone: 1000cyfrifiaduron
  • Package of earphone: Paper box or customized
  • Sound quality of earphone: Da
  • Customized: Accepted


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